
The Devil's Lettuce And You

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The Devil's Lettuce And You

I love this title. Marijuana has an interesting chemical make up.  This simple chain of molecules can heal, induce psychosis, increase dopamine levels, assist with major ailments. With contradicting side effects, the public tends to err on the side of caution.  This is interesting considering that alcohol has many more downsides than upsides compared to the marijuana plant.  When put side-by-side an objective opinion would be baffled at how each of these substances are treated in the public view.  Alcohol is celebrated, simply put.  Glorified to the point of being seen as harmless in most people's opinions.  Marijuana is ostracized,...

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24/7 information era

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24/7 information era

This is sure to catch your attention.

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bud budz cannabis cbd galactic budz hemp leaf marijuana marijuana blog nature


I am not a big numbers guy, I am more speculative and observational but don't expect an analysis from any of my blogs.

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